Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Offer a critical analysis and commentary on Zygmunt Bauman's work. To Essay
Offer a basic examination and discourse on Zygmunt Bauman's work. How much does the Holocaust Exhibition strengthens or challenges this understanding of the 'last arrangement' - Essay Example Apparently, Bauman’s theory is an indispensable apparatus in supporting the avocation on association among advancement and holocaust event among sociologists. In his proposition, Bauman contends that human selection of innovation incited the holocaust occasion. The Holocaust is a verifiable occasion that prods among ages. Bauman’s work draws in analysis and bunch discussions among antiquarians and female activists. As per pundits, the holocaust represented abuse of ladies impeding endeavors for females assent. The Final Solution is protected in holocaust show by Bauman as an outflow of endeavors by people to practice unjustified and questionable components in the general public. Holocaust uncovers comparative systems of rejection that were obvious in the past event can in any case become possibly the most important factor today. Holocaust follows verifiable examples of Nazi’s Anti-Semitic strategies and its merciless ramifications on Jews in Europe. It includes the degree to which German Nazis served Hitler’s rule as a model for prohibition, ejection and inconvenient mass homicide of Jews. Holocaust occasions activated connects to determined contempt of individuals with Anti-Semitic towards the Jews. Starting point of this scorn was a result of the allegation against the Jews for murdering Christ, Adolf Hitler’s assessment on this allegation was an insignificant rationale in counter (Poder and Jacobsen 2012, p. 98). Ascend in Anti-Semitism was bit by bit removing Jews rights and opportunity of progress leaving them with two-choice, first decision to rehearse Christianity or furthermore face murder on the off chance that they deny. Jews vow for equivalent rights began in 1761 and was effective in 1871. Numerous Jews people group moved to Poland, which until date records biggest number of Jews populace. Annihilation of the Jews showed up as a result of contention and unsettling influence in Poland, which happened on account of before knowledge of Jews as enemies of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
M.P Tourism free essay sample
Madhya Pradesh experiences poor availability, no immediate connects to numerous vacationer areas and a street organize which needs pressing improvement. The state the travel industry experiences the twin issue of low mindfulness and low exposure as a vacationer goal and low quality of ‘tourism product’. Poor availability and poor framework further disturb the circumstance. Despite the fact that MP State Tourism Development Corporation (MPSTDC) has set up inns and offices at all the significant (fourteen) vacationer areas and the state has set up a forward looking the travel industry strategy with Eco-experience the travel industry as its USP, the development of the travel industry has been moderate. In the most recent decade the traveler appearances have developed at a moderate pace of 0. 65% p. a, with the household travelers developing at 0. 55% and remote vacationers developing at 7%. In 2000-2001, absolute vacationer appearances remain at around 11. 5 lac. The quantity of outside vacationers is little at around one lac. Clearly, this implies low monetary advantages from the travel industry, poor inn inhabitances, absence of intrigue and dampening of the travel industry related associations. We will compose a custom exposition test on M.P Tourism or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The report has plot a system and has proposed an objective for the travel industry division to twofold the vacationer traffic to around 20 lac in the following decade and treble it to 33 lacs toward the finish of multi year time frame. The showcasing methodology focuses on changing the picture of the state to a vacationer inviting state, with forceful designs for their solace and diversion, arrangement of a promoting and publicizing office, building solid relations with the movement and visit related exchange, reorientation of the visitor data workplaces as advertising workplaces and a superior utilization of its modernized reservation offices. Regarding improving the travel industry item, in the transient brisk increases can be made by concentrating the state’s restricted funds on a couple of areas with high potential, which are as of now very much associated and have a sensible foundation set up. These spots which involve fundamentally of Khajuraho, Gwalior, Bhopal-Sanchi, and the Kanha-Pench natural life parks can be improved by tidying them up, improving the environs, and offering ‘value for money’ experience to the travelers, in this manner rapidly improving their usage. Different areas can be created in the medium and long haul. Residential the travel industry ought to be invigorated by forceful showcasing in Calcutta and Gujarat. Comfort can be offered as far as showcasing bundle voyages through high caliber with all courses of action dealt with. LTC traffic of PSUs and Govt ought to be focused on. Spots like Khajuraho and Gwalior are additionally appropriate for promoting to corporates for their motivating force visits to the exchange and workers and so forth. A few proposals have been made for expanding the term of a sightseers remain in M. P. by adding side journeys to the primary areas, for example, creating Panna untamed life park and close by water falls as side attractions to Khajuraho travelers. Or on the other hand by including Gwalior and Orchha as extra schedule for vacationer in transit to Khajuraho. Better quality control, better bundling and better showcase of the state’s exqusite painstaking work and silks can build spending of travelers. Fascinating timberlands produce like ‘Safed Musali’, a Viagra like item, or oriental aromas are other appealing things for sightseers. The setting up of Bundelkhandi or Malwa eateries for ethnic food and night diversion can likewise expand vacationer spend. The speculation required for next twenty years is assessed at Rs 978 crores, of which 532 cr is by private part for lodgings and so forth required generally in the subsequent decade and around 446 crores by government principally for foundation, advertising and setting up of diversion and amusement offices. The monetary advantage of the travel industry is extremely high with a steady advantage assessed at Rs 9,500 crore more than twenty years. The extra immediate work age is evaluated at 6 lac employments.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Influence of culture and religion on the development of science Essay
Impact of culture and religion on the advancement of science - Essay Example In spite of the fact that we are regularly ready to recognize our obligation to the antiquated Greeks for giving us the essentials of present day science, we are more averse to try and know about our obligation to Islam for safeguarding and expanding upon the information the Greeks had created. A long way from attempting to smother the advancement of science, it was the religion and general culture of the old Greeks and Muslims that helped shape the improvement of present day science. The religion of the old Greeks had a critical effect upon their perspective on how society ought to work. With a Pantheon of Gods on high, each having their own claim to fame, taking an interest in normal gatherings to talk about what’s good and bad with the world, it was not unordinary for the Greeks to have a progressively discretionary just society. They believed their divine beings to be particularly such as themselves yet with more prominent forces to control the components around them. It was imperative to keep them cheerful on the off chance that one needed great climate for gainful harvests or sound animals and a plague in the land could be a sign of a divine being discontent with a specific ruler or arrangement. The individuals took their intimations about what was important to keep the divine beings glad from the accounts and legends that were told about them. At the point when that wasn’t adequate, they made it a propensity to counsel a prophet (Martin, 2006) . This scrutinizing of the riddles in the long run prompted more prominent endeavors to predict the future and to figure the desire of the divine beings. This necessary cautious perceptions, study and preparing which in the end prompted the advancement of logical idea. Before the finish of the Greek time frame, numerous noteworthy accomplishments had been made in science and reasoning. Greek masterminds had increased a perspective on a universe in which the world was round and taken part in a complex move through the sky with different bodies named after the divine beings they worshipped. Refinement in science prompted the advancement of geometry which empowered the antiquated Greeks to
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Write a Dramatic Essay Topic
How to Write a Dramatic Essay TopicIf you are looking for an English narrative essay topic that is both interesting and hard, then look no further than the World War One era. Through the context of this historical conflict, a writer can give his readers a vivid portrayal of the war, with his writing style highlighting all the gruesome aspects of war, as well as highlighting the heroism of the soldiers. This essay subject has been made especially appealing by two popular authors, Colin Dyer and Hilary Mantel.In order to make an interesting story, writers need to grasp the nature of the story, and the period of time in which it takes place, in a difficult time. A lot of research and thinking would have to be put into it to understand the time and the place. Thus, the essay should have a clear focus, so that the reader gets engaged with it and keeps coming back to read more.Drama, and the events surrounding it, as well as the people involved need to be highlighted in a vivid manner. In a good piece of literature, there is always a sort of questioning at the end that makes one wonder whether the main character had done all they could do for their country. This is especially the case with a long history, such as the First World War. Writers would do well to reflect on the tough situation in which it was found in as well as how the war created lasting effects on the people of the country and the world as a whole.Through the actual conflict, a writer can portray the deeds of heroes and villains of the war, but only if they are clear and concise. The paper itself needs to make this point as well. This means that a writer needs to know all the facts and details about the war before he begins to write.While writing about the War, one can use several themes to help in the portrayal of the war, including, references to the idealism, creativity, and heroism of the soldiers, and a thorough study of the battles, and the people involved. By doing this, a person is able to enga ge with the whole story, from beginning to end. It is important to take a step back and examine the whole situation and events of the war before one starts writing.Historians find the more detailed writings on the War, more relevant, because it brings out the beauty of the war, which is always lost in text books. For this reason, some writers try to use more detail in their essays, because it helps in making them more real to the reader. The longer and more detailed a piece of writing is, the more relatable the story becomes.Although there are many different kinds of essay topics, each one has its own unique characteristics. Most essay topics are very interesting and worth reading, but that does not mean that the quality of the writing itself is not as important. Anyhow, if one wants to create an interesting piece of writing, look for essay topics that can give the same kind of thrill to the reader as a historical drama.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Theatre As A Form Of Theatre - 1000 Words
Theatre and live performance can serve so many purposes and one of them is to globally entertain the audience and to shape the society through the lessons learnt from a performance or play. Theatre exists because we are mimetic and communal beings, we seek order, finally we enjoy and need entertainment. Theatre as a form of entertainment is extremely popular all over the world, and it has been designed to hold audience’s attention for a long time, it has been the primary form of public entertainment way before the advent of radio and movies (Foreman). Live performances are known to get audience off their seats due to excitement and it can also change one’s mood from bad to good or vice versa. Examples of theatre as a form of entertainment†¦show more content†¦This play has been revived many times since its premiere(Cruttwell). The Role of the audience when it comes to theatric entertainment can be affected by the genre of the play, space of the theatre, sitting arrangement and demographics. It is up to the audience to make a performance better due to different reactions like echoing (being loud), laughter, standing ovation and gasping. Another great importance of theatre is the way it shapes the society. Firstly, theatre brings people together as a community, Greek theatre is a good example of this, especially during the festival of Dionysus, where the audience for plays would be over 1000 people. This gives the community something to talk about therefore bringing people together. Theatre can also be of importance because of the sense of identity it brings people, Theater, being such an ancient art, has become part of the cultural heritage of many cultures. Peking Opera, Bunraku, Noh are all specific to a culture and form a part of the identity of the people who belong to these cultures. Theatre being used as an instrument for change is also important, nowadays, social media and video are probably a more effective tool to effect change in society, but there is no media that can cause a bigger impact than theater. Watching a live performance is much more likely to compel you to act for change. The work of theorists like Bertolt Brecht and Augusto Boal is pretty much completely based on this idea.Show MoreRelatedTheatre As A Form Of Entertainment1460 Words  | 6 PagesTheatre is the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays. Theatre is where playwrights produce plays, directors manage rehearsals and actors enact on stage. The coming together of all those components make up theatre, but there’s also a small piece missing. Theatre is complete when an audience comes together to experience the play. Theatre to many people is a form of entertainment. Just like now a days people go to the movies to indulge in a form of amusement, that’sRead MoreRoman Theatre : A Diverse Art Form1045 Words  | 5 PagesRoman theatre initially began in 240 BC when Greek theatre was discovered and translated to Latin, then being brought to Rome. The first drama was held at Ludi Romani, the Roman Festival or the Roman Games. This occurred just before Rome became an empire in 27BC. There were many types of these festivals during a year for all sorts of reasons according to history. Theatre was, and is a diverse art form. It ranged from festival performances, street theatre, and acrobatics to eloquent tragediesRead MoreAn Multidisciplinary Art Form Of Experimental Music Theatre Essay1988 Words  | 8 PagesIn its current incarnation, the multidisciplinary art form of Experimental Music Theatre is relatively new in the art world. It encompasses a wide range of musical and theatrical forms and styles and is often presented in unconventional venues. 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In these days the fashion of theatre is of proscenium theatre which demands enclosed areaRead MoreAncient Greek Theatre and Drama1648 Words  | 7 Pages the birthplace of theatre, continues to greatly influence theatre today. Drama is a form of poetry, because dialogue was spoken or sung in verses. Many Greek plays are still relevant today. Some plays survived on their merits, while others were preserved from academic interest or by accident (Peter Arnott). The Great Dionysia was an important yearly religious celebration and festival, honoring Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and fertility. The Great Dionysia is where theatre first began. Also, theRead MoreWhat Is A Comparison Of Two Companies840 Words  | 4 Pagescomparative analysis of two Companies/Organisations: Nanzikambe Arts from Malawi leading arts development organization that is involved in the creation and performance of high quality, innovative touring theatre productions, film and radio drama, and works with the development community in using theatre and the arts to support positive social change on key thematic areas of health, good governance, malaria prevention, HIVAIDS prevention, maternal health and climate change. Since its formation in MarchRead MoreWhy Does Theatre Survive1297 Words  | 6 PagesWhy does theatre survive? 3rd term acting studies essay by Ralph Gassmann All the worlds a stageÂ… to quote the worlds most famous playwright William Shakespeare who rose to prominence in the 16th century during the reign of Elizabeth I, and whos plays have excited and obsessed the generations since and will doubtless continue to do so as we approach the 2nd millennium. On this stage the actor represents the symbol of man with all his imperfection and weakness, with all his morals and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Equality In Harrison Bergeron - 807 Words
The short story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,†by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., is set in 2081, a future where the 211th-213th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution enforce â€Å"total equality.†This is not equality of rights as we assume the Constitution is supposed to protect. This is a kind of social equality that wants every person to be like everyone else, so it is really talking about conformity, not equality. In the story, people who are smarter than average, or stronger, or more talented in any way are forced to suffer a handicap. For example, Harrison’s father, George, is forced to listen to a disturbing sound in his brain to prevent him from thinking about what is happening around him. Harrison himself is so talented that he has multiple handicaps†¦show more content†¦The story focuses on the parents of an extraordinary teenager, Harrison Bergeron, and also on Harrison himself. â€Å"The rest of Harrison’s appearance was Halloween and hardware. Nobod y had ever born heavier handicaps.†Because Harrison is really a genius, he stands out even though he has handicaps. He manages to overcome every barrier, and this makes him seem dangerous to his society because he is a nonconformist. When Harrison rebels and breaks out, he is eventually killed. His mother sees this on television and starts to cry. â€Å" ‘You’ve been crying,’ he said to Hazel. ‘Yup,’ she said. ‘What about?’He said. ‘I forget,’ she said, ‘something real sad on television†¦..’ ‘Forget sad things,’ said George. ‘I always do,’ said Hazel.†This illustrates the problems with this society. The parents cannot even mourn their son’s death because they can not remember what has just happened, because of the handicaps on them. On the other hand the government thought this would be a good way to control people and make them conform because no one with e nough intelligence could remember, or think about something for along time without a horrible sound causing them to lose their thought. Because no one could remember, then no one could protest. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†was written in 1961, and this was a time of great fear in America because of the Cold War politics that made everyone worry about a possible war with the Soviet Union (now Russia). From the late 1940s into theShow MoreRelatedEquality In Harrison Bergeron864 Words  | 4 PagesJr’s futuristic story, â€Å" Harrison Bergeron†, is in the year 2081, where everyone is equal. No one was smarter or stronger than anyone else. No one was better looking than anyone else. Everyone was exactly the same. Harrison Bergeron is a 14 year old boy who had absolutely hates how equal everyone was. Harrison was stronger, smarter, handsome, and bigger than everyone else. Harrison was the opposite of being average. He plans to override the government and forbid equality so that the people can beRead MoreThe Importance Of Equality In Harrison Bergeron888 Words  | 4 Pageseveryone’s abilities equal. However, human equality isn’t always nece ssarily having the same abilities or limits. To be equal to everyone is also being treated and thought about the same as every person. It also means that you have the same power as everyone. It is impossible for everyone to have the same capabilities, even with devices created to put a limit to your abilities. In â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†Diana Moon Glampers attempted to create equality by making gifted people wear devices calledRead MoreThe Dangers of Total Equality in Harrison Bergeron759 Words  | 3 PagesKurt Vonnegut, Jr.’s â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†tells the story of an unbelievably talented young man that defies the constraints of total equality in futuristic America, year 2081. Because of the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments, all citizens are subjected to a communist like state where everyone is made to be equal in beauty, physique, and intelligence. Throughout â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,†symbols such as Harrison’s defiance of the law , his physical attributes, and the setting presents the theme of the storyRead MoreEquality And Diversity In Kurt Vonneguts Harrison Bergeron1263 Words  | 6 Pagessociety should value both equality and diversity. Equality is justice. Diversity is individuality. Equality gives rights. Diversity enriches culture. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideally progressive America. As equality in our society has increased, we have viewed it as progress. However, diversity has often been a source of conflict in our society. Jealousy, confusion, anger, and so many negative emotions have arisen from our differences and slowed the progress of equality. Perhaps, diversity shouldRead MoreEquality Is Not Ideal In Harrison Bergeron, By Kurt Vonnegut1004 Words  | 5 PagesEquality Is Not Ideal Kurt Vonnegut’s brilliant story, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,†takes place in the year 2081. Thanks to the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments â€Å"Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else†(Vonnegut 1). Everyone seems to have equal looks and abilities but to make this happen; they have to limit people so they can be equal to other people. People with natural beauty, gifted intelligence, or high strength have to use handicaps so they canRead MoreEquality In Harrison Bergeron, The Scarlet Ibis, And Brownies884 Words  | 4 Pagesdoesn’t sound good to me I don’t think everyone should be treated equally. Harrison Bergeron, The Scarlet Ibis, and Brownies all share this in common they want people to be equal and when they try to treat people as equal they sometimes don’t take into concentration some things about them or if they have different ways about them or if they are taking away from what w e could have in the world. In Harrison Bergeron they deal with everyone being treated equal and they go to great lengthsRead MoreHarrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut Essay1565 Words  | 7 Pages Harrison Bergeron is a story written by Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut’s story is a warning to the world about the quest of equality, which is spreading all round in many nations with America on the lead. The story shows the reader how the equality issue can have negative impacts on people’s individuality, and the society. The story revolves around the protagonist, Harrison Bergeron who is an archetypical symbol that represents defiance, and individuality. He is used to represent the people who willRead MoreAnalysis Of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. s Harrison Bergeron1500 Words  | 6 Pagesactions of others, as we make choices in an effort to satisfy others and ourselves. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†offers a dark insight into an idealistic utopia, and the consequences of a ruthlessly equitable society. Although equality provides a beneficial component to a desirable society, forcing it upon society would ultimately be at the expense of individuality. I nitially, Harrison Bergeron is physically constrained by society, however through his willful arrogance and determination to gainRead MoreAnalysis Of Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron 935 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†Kurt Vonnegut reveals the truth about world. Vonnegut farther explains how humankind is controlled by America’s first amendment of everyone being created equal. The main character of the story, also a protagonist Harrison Bergeron aims to let the world know what is truly happening to them. He is killed by an antagonist Dianna Moon Clampers who is a handicapper general. The futuristic short story is written in a third person omniscient. It’s told y a narrator who seems to knowRead MoreEssay on Communism and Kurt Vonneguts Harrison Bergeron977 Words  | 4 Pagesheavily relate to â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†. Communisms main idea is to keep the corporations from having too much power; as well as making everything equal. Com munisms structure differs from â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†, but they both share a lot of characteristics. In â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†the government is given way to much power and forces everyone to become equal. Communism also differs greatly from our U.S. government and acts in many different ways. Communism ensures a lot of power and equality, as well as in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Role and Responsibilities of Project Manager †
Question: Discuss about the Role and Responsibilities of Project Manager. Answer: Discussion Project manager from various background has to face mainly problems that are language, time, Roles and responsibilities, tools and virtual teams. Overcoming the above-mentioned fives issue by project manager from different cultural background can efficiently establish communication in project teams. Language: It is very common for project managers to have team members from various language. Many times, project managers have to face a number of issues due to language difference of team members (Shohat and Stam, 2014). To overcome this issue at the beginning of the project the main working language must be selected for your project. For example, if the project starts from an English-speaking country then it is not necessary condition English for everything. It is the duty of project manager to design project management tool to be designed in such a way that it can easily have interfaces in several languages (Joseph, 2017). This will provide freedom to team members to enter their data and interact with menus in their own language. On the contrary English can be easily kept as official language for documentation of project Time: Various culture from corner of world have various interpretation of time. Project manager may value punctuality while team members who are from different zone may not have this same ideology. The only way to overcome this issue is to have a frank conversation with the team members. It is an advice to manager to have conservation regarding this matter with the team members so that no time is wasted. Roles and Responsibilities: The role of project manager is not equally understandable to all the countries (Modood, 2013). Team members of the project may not take necessary instruction from project manager as they may ignore its importance. It can be observed in many cases that project how the responsibilities of the team members adjust or fit into daily job. It is seen that challenges can be overcome by simply working on the project plan. A new project manager should have a conversation with people who have a fair experience in working with teams from foreign location. Tools: Project manager should have a good knowledge about important software for messaging which is necessary (Meer and Modood, 2012). Technology like Skype should be used for establishing connection with the team member even if the project is not physically present over there. These tools are useful only when there is time difference of one hour anything more than this can create challenges for both team members and project manager. Other tools like blogs and wikis are considered to be valuable in many situations (Banting and Kymlicka, 2013). Using this tools record presentation and conference calls can be easily made easily available to the team members. Virtual Team: Virtual management of team members can be considered to be greatest issue for project manager. Proper management of virtual teams needs commitment from both team members and project manager (Shohat and Stam, 2014). Project manager may be good at documentation and building to team when everyone is present in the same room with the help of internet. Proper analysis of challenges of virtual team can be considered to first method for keeping track of the team (Joseph, 2017). A lot of new things can be easily learnt by working international team. Advantages of working in international projects that the above-mentioned challenges can bring a large number of experience to project managers. Multicultural problems in virtual teams are not clearly visible but it they exist and create a large number of problems for both the team members and project manager (Benet-Martnez, 2012). There are mainly four challenges that are communication, culture, technology and proper management of project. Many research suggest that virtual failure of team is directly associated with issues of building of trust. Failure in the three factors like geographical distance, working time, difference in culture can cause issue. Time difference can be considered to be an important factor for organization who work virtual (Haque, 2012). Time zone need to considered while working with team members from different location or zones. Time difference is a matter of great concern while working with team members from different location. Time difference puts a pressure on the virtual team members and it creates an obstacle which everyone needs to overcome. Another factor is technology for the members of virtu al teams. Many employees working in different regions of the world may not have any easy access to new infrastructure of communication (Joseph, 2017). Employees working in other countries may have post release dates of important software. Installation of broadband services may increase the cost for the organization. Communication needs to be managed well if the cultural difference of the working team members is taken into account. Communication need not be same when the project manager matches the virtual teams in an environment of multicultural (Modood, 2013). Good working environment is needed for passing the addressed queries or solution to the team members. Upgradation in technology can be considered to be important way for increasing the persons capability for having interaction with people with different cultural background (Rhoads and Valadez, 2016). Multiculturalism can be defined as the process of change by people can easily learn to recognize the cultural identities with considering the fact of similarities and difference of people from different culture. Proper management of virtual team is considered to be a stressful task in itself. Team leaders and supervisor must be well aware of the issues for avoiding potential problems (Shohat and Stam, 2014). It is the duty of manager to ensur e that all the members of the virtual team take part in the project and so that the project gets benefited from it. If there is trust among team members then establishment of communication becomes much easier. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be easily concluded that this report is about efficient management of communication in a multicultural project by project managers. Various challenges like language, time, Roles and responsibilities, tools and virtual team has been discussed in details. Issues of multicultural in virtual team has been discussed briefly that is it is not clearly visible but creates a number of problems for both the team members and project managers. Proper definition of multiculturalism has been provided in the above pages References Banting, K. and Kymlicka, W., 2013. Is there really a retreat from multiculturalism policies? New evidence from the multiculturalism policy index.Comparative European Politics,11(5), pp.577-598. Benet-Martnez, V., 2012. Multiculturalism. InThe Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology. Haque, E., 2012.Multiculturalism within a bilingual framework: Language, race, and belonging in Canada. University of Toronto Press. Joseph, R., 2017. Multiculturalism: a liberal perspective.Postfilosofie, (2), pp.29-49. Meer, N. and Modood, T., 2012. How does interculturalism contrast with multiculturalism?Journal of intercultural studies,33(2), pp.175-196. Sons, Ltd. Modood, T., 2013.Multiculturalism. John Wiley Rhoads, R.A. and Valadez, J.R., 2016.Democracy, multiculturalism, and the community college: A critical perspective(Vol. 1081). Routledge. Shohat, E. and Stam, R., 2014.Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the media. Routledge.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Macys Swot Analysis free essay sample
The SWOT analysis provides an in depth picture of the rganizations business and operations. The internal Factors of the organization for Macys include the strengths, and weaknesses. The strengths are the areas where Macys stands out as an upscale retailer store. The strengths include skilled management, positive cash flow, and well- known highly regarded brands (Bateman Snell, 2009). We will write a custom essay sample on Macys Swot Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The weaknesses on the other hand are the areas where Macys retail stores lack and perhaps need to improve in order to stay ahead of competition. The External factors of Macys include the opportunities and threats. These factors play a big role in helping the business grow or hurting the business. The opportunities may include ads on wireless mobile to attracted more customers and reach bigger numbers of sales. The threats on the other hand might include the possibility that competitors will enter the underserved niche once it has been shown to be more profitable (Bateman Snell, 2009). The SWOT analysis will draw a good understanding of the business situation Macys retail store are in the market and against other competitors. Macys is a retail store that started as a freestanding store and now became a national department store offering a one stop shopping experience for all consumers throughout the country. It has volved and grew into a bigger and more stable type of retail store. In fact it became a national brand throughout the years. Macys incurred some changes throughout these years in addition to being a national brand it had to become part of a more stable and efficient business. In 1994, Macys merged with the Federated Department store creating the worlds largest department store company (Tsiantar, 2006). This is one of the many moves a company chooses to excel in its position in the retail market industry. One also believe this particular move gave Macys expansion it opportunity to be bigger and reach more states and then became globally. Now this paper is about the SWOT analysis of Macys as a retail store business. The SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats for Macys (Tsiantar, 2006) Macys strengths include economic scales, purchasing power, efficiencies in the market, and chains into the singular Macys brand, Federated department store can expects greater economies of scale. Good business practice produces a steady and continuous flow of consumers. The purchasing power of Macys is one of many recently found strengths is it size. In terms of purchasing power, Macys could rival Wal-Mart in its ability to use continuous volume to secure the best prices. Again, Macys have greater leverage in making sure that it secures the hottest merchandise for its consumers. The marketing efficiencies for Macys are through national campaigns. The option of splitting resources for campaigns, Macys is able to buy more national advertisements. The article reports Macys the company recorded revenues of $23,489 million during the financial year ended January 2010 (Aarkstore, 2010). The mixed old and new paths includes to competition with pure play internet retailers, Macys has a strong position in being able to leverage the storefront and the internet. On a national scale give Macys storefronts the ability to cross promote the internet by its actual presence. All consumers of Macys have the luxury of buy online and having the security of being able to return a particular product. This special idea placed by Macys Management enable Macys with a competitive advantage over other internet retailers (Tsiantar, 2006). The weaknesses Macys have to rebrand most of it product from a regional brand to Macys brand. The branding obviously takes time and this period of time for product to reach the store is crucial in order to secure profits. Thus Macys must try everything to speed up the process to secure a profit through a brand. Some regional brands have value and customers have a relationship with the regional stores. Such stores have spent many years promoting their regional brand with the consumers psyche. Impersonality of a national brand Macys must understand that the availability of a store regionally is because it provides appropriate products and service experiences. Also, replacing the so called affordable luxury labeled brands like Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein, Jones New York, and Ralf Lauren to better or more defined brand names. Ultimately these affordable uxury brands are placing Macys within the middle of the department store food chain. The recent consumers are more into researching online different options before deciding to go the retail store. Also, different seasons alter sale and profit margin according to the article sales should either be flat or will decline slightly (Mallas, 2008). The article was comparing Macys to Wal-mart, and Targets sales and earnings for the year of 2008 (Tsiantar, 2006). Opportunities for Macys with new shoppers are through first impression. First impression usually has a strong impact on loyal customers of the regional department stores. Macys has a power of influence on the suppliers. Macys can influence these suppliers to make the latest and hottest product on the market. Federated the department stores need to minimize the number of stores and consolidate them to Macys (Tsiantar, 2006). Then the lesser names in the market the better Macys brand becomes and the stronger it will be amongst other stores. Strengthening the position of Macys in the financial market allows it to better facilitates its funds and cut on cost thus more profit. Threats: Macys have many threat from all kind of competition stores like Wal-Mart, Kohls, and specialty stores. If the competition keeps increasing on Macys market, Macys is going to be in serious troubles. Other threats like higher gas prices, higher lesser profit margin. In conclusion Federated Department Store- Macys hold a huge market value within the retail industry. Weighing the internal and external factors Macys should be in better and healthier business position. One believe the internal factors precisely the strengths of Macys can and will always make it more valued to all consumers. The name Macys should peak out in the consumers interest and get the consumers into the store to increase profit margin. The federated Department Store has many challenges and one of them is to make Macys the department store that once was.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Hypophosphatasia essays
Hypophosphatasia essays First recognized by Rathbun in1948, hypophosphatasia is an inherited metabolic bone disease similar to rickets. It results from low levels of an enzyme known as alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Alkaline phosphatase is normally present in large amounts in bones and in the liver. But when you have hypophosphatasia, abnormalities in the gene that makes ALP lead to production of inactive ALP. Hypophosphatasia occurs in all races, males and females are affected equally, and it affects all age groups. Hypophosphatasia is subdivided into five categories, starting at the lethal form perinatal, next is infantile, then childhood, adult, and finally the least severe form odontohypophosphatasia. These categories of hypophosphatasia depend on the severity of the disease. The severity of Hypophosphatasia is remarkably variable from patient to patient. The people most severely affected are the ones that fail to form a skeleton in the womb and are stillborn. The most mildly affected patients may show only low levels of ALP in the blood, but never suffer bone problems. The perinatal and infantile forms of hypophosphatasia are inherited as autosomal recessive conditions. The patient receives one defective gene from each parent. The mild cases are childhood and adult. They are also inherited the same way as perinatal and infantile. Some mild adult and odontohypophosphatasia cases seem to be inherited differently. They are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, meaning the patient gets only one defective gene transmitted from one of his/her parents instead of receiving two defective genes from their parents. In the mild forms hypophosphatasia can often be detected during pregnancy, by ultrasound and by measuring the ALP activity. The perinatal form is considered lethal which means it will kill you. The infantile form is thought to be fatal in approximately fifty percent of patients. Patients with the other three forms...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
A real case risk management analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
A real case risk management analysis - Essay Example perience in the provision of helicopter services in over 30 countries, on all seven continents and in most of the major offshore oil and gas producing regions of the world. (Company Annual Report, 2007). Its major operating units include the United Kingdom, Norway, Netherlands, South Africa, Australia and Canada. The company’s European and Global Operations segments enable it to provide helicopter transportation services to the oil and gas industry for production and exploration activities. (Company Annual Report, 2007). In addition, the company also provides helicopter transportation services for emergency medical services (â€Å"EMS†) and search and rescue (â€Å"SAR†) activities, as well as ancillary services such as flight training. Its Heli-One segment, one of the world’s largest non-original equipment manufacturer support company provides repair and overhaul (â€Å"R&O†) services, aircraft leasing, integrated logistics support, helicopter part s sales and distribution, as well as other related services to its flight operations and third-party clients around the world. (Company Annual Report, 2007). The company’s operations depend largely upon the level of activity in the oil and gas industry. The activities are therefore affected to varying degrees by trends in oil and gas prices. Traditional wisdom detects that oil and gas prices have been very unstable in the past and continue to depend to wide fluctuations to changes in the supply and demand for oil and gas, market uncertainty and a variety of additional factors beyond the company’s control. (Company’s Annual Report, 2007). It is difficult for the company to predict the movement of future oil and gas prices. Prolonged declines in oil and gas prices could adversely affect Helicopter’s activity in support of exploration and to a lesser extent, production activity and, therefore, have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition and results of operations. (Company’s Annual Report,
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management Essay
Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management - Essay Example I tend to think that the witness is being bribed in order to offer information regarding other criminals. The bribery here is, however, done for a good cause. The information provided by this witness will help get justice for other affected individuals. An example of this is the rampart scandal that saw a cop named Rafael Perez cut a deal with the prosecutor so as to expose the masquerading police officer or rather bad cops. A series of crimes was observed before the cop was arrested. The road rage shootout that saw an undercover agent shot to death while off duty, by a white cop. This developed tension among the force, but was later settled when investigations confirmed that the black cop was involved in many other street crimes.Another incident was the bank robbery that took place in Los Angeles. The suspected bank manager implicated her boyfriend, who was a cop to the organizing of the crime. Investigations revealed that the cop together with other partners in the force were gambl ing and spending a lot of money. One of the partners was known as Rafael Perez. Investigations on the police officer were launched when 6 pounds of cocaine, stored as evidence went missing. Part of the investigation involved the formation of a team named Rampart Corruption Task Force. The force was primarily focused on prosecuting Rafael Perez. When an audit of the property room was done, it was discovered that some more pounds of cocaine was missing. The speculation made pointed Perez as the culprit.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Obesity and the Media Essay Example for Free
Obesity and the Media Essay Although advertisers and the media have a huge impact on the issue of childhood obesity, the parents have the final call on what their children eat and don’t eat. It is the parents who give in to their children’s whining and give them what they want just to please them. Childhood obesity starts when the children are old enough to realize that they can get their way when they cry for something. It is the parents’ responsibility to lead by example and teach their children healthy eating habits at a young age. If the parents have unhealthy eating habits and include fast food and fried food in their diet on a regular basis, it is likely that their children will do the same. Kids will get accustomed to eating whatever is made available for them in their home. It is the parents’ job to provide healthy snack options so that their children can get used to healthy habits at early ages. When children are first attracted to the fast food ads at a very young age, it is often because they are attracted to the toys such as the ones offered in â€Å"happy meals.†Another reason why fast food is so popular is because it is a quick and easy meal when people are busy or don’t feel like cooking dinner. My solution to these issues would be to create a fast food chain that offered healthier options. That way, when people want to drive through and order something quick, they would be able to do so while still eating healthy. These restaurants would also offer children’s meals that include a toy, which would promote staying active, and eating healthy. The advertisement that I created is for a healthy fast food restaurant called Chick-A-Dees. This restaurant would offer all natural foods, rather than deep-fried options. The ad uses bright colors and cartoon characters to get children’s attention. It also promises a toy with every kid’s meal and advertises a jungle gym for kids to play on when they come to the restaurant. If restaurants opened that made healthy food seem exciting and fun to kids, they would definitely be more likely to want to try it or even like it. The advertising of toys that are included in kids’ meals at fast food restaurants is a main reason that young kids want to go to these places. However, there are many other toys for children that are advertised on television everyday, which encourage unhealthy eating habits. Among these are: the Easy Bake Oven, Popcorn Basketball, Smores Stick, Marshmallow Gun, Girls Gourmet Candy Jewel Factory Oven, 1000 Piece Candy Jigsaw, Counting Cookies, Mix and Match Doughnuts, and McDonalds Drive Through Food Cart. (The Toy Zone) All of these toys cause children to associate unhealthy eating with fun, which is a main contributing factor to the issue of childhood obesity. The KidsHealth article makes a great point about how parents need to act as role models and demonstrate to their kids proper serving size, how to enjoy treats in moderation, and exercising regularly. This is so true; bad habits start when the child is very young, and over time they become more difficult to squash. The article mentions some habits that parents should get their kids used to such as: have regular family meals, serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks, be a role model by eating healthy yourself, avoid battles over food, and involve kids in the process. Regular family meals have a huge impact on preventing unhealthy eating habits. If the family makes it their goal to sit down for dinner together even 4 days a week, it would make all the difference. As the article titled Childhood Obesity states, â€Å"children are getting more of their food away from home.†Making family meals a regular part of the routine would prevent the family from turning to the easy option of fast food, or eating out at restaurants where they serve countless courses and portions that are much to big for one sitting. The KidsHealth website also suggests that parents stock up on healthy foods. Having fattening or sugary snacks available for kids to snack on when they’re hungry will only add to the issue. There are plenty of healthy and organic snacks that are really tasty also, and if kids get used to eating them while they’re young, they will never know the difference. Making sure your child has breakfast is also an important factor to a healthy diet, as stated in Childhood Obesity. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and necessary for a healthy metabolism. The article pretty much covers all the issues and solutions that I would like to obesity in children. If I were to add something to it I would say that it is so important that parents are involved in their child’s life. This gets even more important as they grow into teens, so it should start when they are children. Parents should know if the child is having problems in school, trouble making friends, being bullied, etc. All of these issues can contribute to the child turning to food for comfort. Another idea that the article didn’t mention is parents buying their children toys that encourage healthy activity rather than laziness or unhealthy eating. Instead of buying a videogame or and Easy Bake Oven for example, get them things to play their favorite sport with. If the child isn’t into sports, and would rather play video games, encourage active games like Wii Fit or Dance games. Getting involved in the activity is a great way to encourage it. I don’t think that the media has exaggerated the issue of childhood obesity in our society. It is a huge problem and we see it everyday, no matter where we are. The media needs to start promoting less of the unhealthy habits and show more advertisements for healthy eating and games and toys that involve activity. In order to prevent obesity and diseases that are linked to it, parents must encourage and demonstrate healthy eating habits as well as teaching their children to stay active. The prevention must start when the child is young, and remain steady and continuous as they grow.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
George’s Life Sacrifice in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day Essay -- Gloria Na
George’s Life Sacrifice in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day George and Ophelia, two characters in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day, have a complex yet intimate relationship. They meet in New York where they both live. Throughout their hardships, Ophelia and George stay together and eventually get married. Ophelia often picks fights with George to test his love for her, and time after time, he proves to her that he does love her. Gloria Naylor uses George as a Christ figure in his relationship with Ophelia to eventually save her life. While visiting her relatives in Willow Springs, Ophelia becomes deathly ill as a result of evil forces on the island. George tries to think of ways to save her, but he cannot get to a real doctor. The real doctors are across the bridge, which has been destroyed by the hurricane. George helps with rebuilding the bridge practically 24 hours a day, but eventually he becomes disgusted with the others who are working on the bridge, believing that they work too slowly. In his frustration, he speaks in his mind retrospectively to Ophelia: â€Å"If there was a boat ...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Global warming effects Essay
Yankee Candle Company began in 1969, as penniless Mike Kittredge, age 16, melted crayons to form a candle as a Christmas present for his Mom. A neighbor, mesmerized by his fabulous creation, expressed her desire to purchase one of his candles; thus Yankee Candle Company was born. Mike used his parent’s basement, kitchen, and garage to produce his scented candles. Five years later, in 1974, Mike moved production into an old paper mill located in Holyoke, Massachusetts. In 1998 Forstmann Little & Company partnered with Yankee Candle Company and began to publicly trade on the NYSE in 1999. Mike Kittredge sold his first candle to a neighbor for $1.36, in 1969 and in 2005 Yankee Candle Company’s total sales were $601,180,000. Mike’s humble beginning in the family home has grown into a â€Å"wholesale customer network of 16,400 store locations, a growing base of Company owned and operated retail stores (390 located in 42 states),†¦ direct mail catalogs, its website,†¦ international distributors, and to a European wholesale network of approximately 2,200 store locations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (2006) Yankee’s passion for fragrance has become a profitable entity with visions of continued global expansion. Yankee Candle Company has branded their product as long-lasting and strong in fragrance. Yankee has developed over 150 fragrances for their various candle products. Their product line includes jars, votive, tarts, wax potpourri, pillars, tapers, and tea lights candles. Yankee’s design is innovative and their scents are pleasant, relaxing, and rejuvenating. Yankee Candle Company’s design department is visionary in developing candles to accent modern dà ©cor and fragrances that appeal to its customers. Yankee will explore and introduce aromas that are common to the Greek culture as they expand into this new market. Yankee Candle will emulate their â€Å"passion for fragrance†and provide a wide variety of choices for its new customers in Greece. The Yankee Candle Company continues to build on the passion and creativity of Mike Kittredge; driven by a mission to warm hearth and home with the fragrances of life through excellence, innovation, and passion. Yankee has been dedicated to excellence throughout their 37 year history. A company spokesperson attributes their success to, â€Å"our vertically integrated business model, which enables us to control most every aspect of our business, from product development to manufacturing to distribution to marketing and sales. This structure allows us to consistently provide high quality and innovative products†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (2006) Yankee’s innovation is evident in their candles and accessory designs, which acclimate too various dà ©cor preferences and the expanding variety of fragrances, which appeal to its customers. Yankee Candle Company is driven by an intense passion to spread the fragrances of life around the world for all to enjoy. The product expansion into the Greek marketplace is another step towards reaching their objectives. Yankee Candle Company will expand its fragrances to blend in with the cultures of new markets. Yankee will continue to develop partnerships with established Company owned retail stores as venues for their products to be sold. The candle company has already established Yankee Candle  ® Europe with a 30,000 square foot distribution center in Bristol, England that provides Yankee products for approximately 2,200 stores. This distribution center will be used to export Yankee products to be sold by retail stores in Greece. The Yankee Company has decided to expand their markets and head out to the Country of Greece. We will be exporting our candle line product from the United States to Greece. The product expansion into the Greek marketplace is another step towards reaching their objectives. Yankee Candle Company will expand its fragrances to blend in with the cultures of new markets. Yankee will continue to develop partnerships with established Company owned retail stores as venues for their products to be sold. As Yankee Candle expands into new regions of the world, distribution centers will be built to service their wholesale store network. Where trade barriers, economical and political policies will allow. When expanding into new countries, Yankee Candle will establish an online shopping website to market and sell their products. Since 1994, the United States is part of the NAFTA organization between three countries. â€Å"The North American Free Trade Agreement, known usually as NAFTA, is a free trade agreement among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NAFTA went into effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA is also used to refer to the tripartite trading bloc of North American countries.† Since the inception of the Eurpeon Union in 1957 six countries were a part of this union. Nineteen further states have joined in and creasted a successful union. Greece joined the EU January, 1981. The exchange and repatriation of funds risks the Euro’s exchange rate against the dollar, remains unstable. The low interest rates, increased competition in the banking industry, and continued growth in commercial bank lending; to raise bad debt and strong growth in consumer borrowing. Economic growth is forecast to slow in 2006 and 2007. The consumer price inflation slowed dramatically in Greece before its entry into pre-economic and monetary union (EMU) in January 2001 and was helped by other temporary measures. The economy of the United States is stable made up of natural resource, labor and manufacturing, and investments. The United States†has the largest and one of the most technologically advanced national economies in the world, with a GDP of 13.049 trillion dollars.† Consumers and producers have some decision-making that form the economy, but the government also has a powerful role on the effects of the economy. The economy of Greece â€Å"is growing fast after the implementation of stabilization policies in recent years. Greece remains a net importer of industrial and capital goods, foodstuffs, and petroleum. Leading exports are manufactured goods, food and beverages, petroleum products, cement, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.† Greece is global leader in shipping, which is the transportation of goods and cargo by land, air, or sea. Types of currency used through out the world vary from country to country and or by region. The Unites States of America official currency is the dollar, symbol: USD also known to be abbreviated by $. The US currency was adopted in 1785 by the United States Congress. The United States dollar is also known as a world currency; in 1985 $300 billion dollars were in circulation, with two thirds being out side of the Untied States. Each year the amount of U.S dollars is being circulated around the world continues to increase. In comparison to the Untied States of America, Greece uses the euro as denomination of currency type, symbol â‚ ¬. Greece is part of the European Union also knows as the EU. What I found most interesting is the European Monetary Union has ceded control of monetary policy to the European Central Bank. Versus the Untied States taking control over their own currency. â€Å"The European Union has a large economy, probably slightly larger than that of the United States of America with a 2005 GDP of 12,865,602 million vs. 11,734,300 million (USD figures) (using nominal US Dollar GDP) according to the International Monetary Fund.† Greece’s relations with other countries in the region have been steadily improving. Greece is working with Turkey to resolve their disagreements, mainly with regard to Cyprus. Failure to resolve the division of the island of Cyprus may increase tensions between Greece and Turkey as the latter finds its bid to join the European Union partially dependent on success, but tensions rise sharply with Turkey over the issue of Cyprus. Greece is also assisting and improving relations with the economic development of the Balkans. The Balkans is now viewed by Greece as a greater threat to security than Turkey. Also, renewed instability in the Balkans leads to unrest in Greece and trade disruption. Political corruption is considered higher in Greece than many other European Union countries. Politicians are dependent on media with strong ties to business interests. There is a politicized, anti-globalization environmental movement in Greece which is increasingly complicated in its use of the courts and the European Union to block large projects. United States culture is very diverse but due to the level of the American culture there are many integrated but exclusive subculture within the U.S. The subcultures differentiated by status, ethnic background, residence, religion or other factors that functionally combine the group and act jointly on each subculture member. The ethnic groups are White, Black, Asian, Amerindian, Alaska native, native Hawaiian, and other Pacific islander. The various religion are Protestant, Roman, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Baptist, and others. Lastly, the languages are English, Spanish, Indo-European, Asian, Pacific island and others. Let us not forget that the government type is constitution-based federal republic but strong democratic tradition. As a result, the subcultures have their own joint set of customs, attitudes, and values. Greece is a diverse culture partial by its place at the crossroads between the East and the West and by the various occupations endured by the Greek people throughout history. The Greeks are proud of their culture which is the definition of their national and ethnic belonging. The Greeks culture is made of their traditions, religion, music, language, food and wines. Some of the traditions and superstitions vary from one island to another. Many countries differ within a range of dimensions including social structure, language, religion, and traditions to name a few. The difference has important implications on marketing strategy of the product. The most cultural difference that has an impact would be traditions. Candle scent preference may differ from one country to another. The company may encounter resistance to some of its different scents or wax. The organization must careful research Greece cultural norms and understanding the difference between US and Greece. Cross-Cultural training (literacy) would be needed to make sure the company advertising or marketing strategy does not offend anyone in the other country. The candles should be affordable due to the unemployment rate within Greece; however the organization must make a profit consider the cost to export the candles within that country. Yankee Candle is aware of the culture difference between the US and Greece, therefore staffing would be important to the organization. The organization would provide their US employees with language and cultural training. Yankee understands that one of their vendors Berlitz has experience and knowledge in cross cultural and language training that would help assist the expatriates. Berlitz offers a variety of programs and has been in the business for 128 years, more than 450 centers in over 60 countries. Berlitz offers online, adult, children and teen programs for cultural and language training including one-on-one sessions. The cultural and language training would be for the family as well. The cultural training would be for two days and 100 hours for language training, however if more hours are needed for language the company would approve this cost. The employees that are going on the international assignment would have other benefits including when they are expatriating back in to the US. However, the expatriates will receive just a  ½ day of cultural training and language will not be necessary. The US dollar is not equal to the same amount in most other countries. Hence, the company would pay an additional allowance to cover the difference. The cost of living may be higher in the other countries, as a result a housing allowance is provided to the employee. The company does consider the cost living in the US and then compare that cost to living in Greece. The education in Greece is not the same for US citizens. As a result, to the language barrier and cultural it may be very difficult for the employee’s children to attend the local school in the host country for that reason private schools or boarding school may be required. Consequently the company is aware of this and therefore would provide tuition allowance. Due to the cultural and language difference there are going to be diversity issues, so human resource has provided an open door policy. The open door policy would allow employees to express him or she concerns and human resource will try to provide a solution to the problem, if possible. Supply chain management is an important role for the success of Yankee Candle Company to sell scented candles in Greece. Supply chain is most effective for optimal resource use, minimum total cost, and maximum value to the customer. Decisions with in supply chain are to buy your product or make your own. Yankee Candle Company already produces its own scented candles and will be the same for candles being shipped overseas. The production will be manufactured in the Company’s 294,000 square foot facility in Whately, Massachusetts. As a manufacturer, the Company is able to closely monitor product quality and control production costs, which ensures high quality products and maintains affordable pricing. Information has been gathered from the Greece from the candle business industry. This data will assist in forecasting how much product is needed for a three months supply to meet the supply and demand in Greece. Lead time for the initiation of Yankee Candle Company to enter the Greece market is 10 months. In turn this will give enough time to meet the three month stock supply. The information gathered from the Greece candle market will support the types of scented candles that will be produced to ship overseas. Lead time for the shipment to arrive at the distribution warehouse is three month’s; the life span of a candle is three years. Placing our product will be near or around the largest cities and ports in Greece. The largest and most important city in Greece is Athens, the capital with population based in 1991 of 748,110. The largest port in Greece is Thessalonà ki, with a population of 377,951. Also another large port is located on the North part of the Peloponnesus, is a major seaport, with 155,180 inhabitants. Other sizable cities include Là ¡risa (113,426), Irà ¡klion (117,167), and Và ³los (76,463). The ports and its population are important factors in knowing were to place the Yankee Candle Stores. These would be in areas in the region that have the most population and are easily accessible to Tourist from vacation boats that may doc on these ports. Promoting Yankee Candle Company in Greece would be similar as it is currently in the Untied States. Through its retail stores the Yankee Candle company would open in Greece, direct mail catalogs. To include a large market Yankee candle will also promote is U.S product through television commercials newspapers, bill board singes through out the larger cities of Greece, and through its own web page Promotion for this product will be introduced to all who wants to have special fragrances in their homes. Business will also be targeted to have fresh new fragrances for their offices. Candles are an excellent gift for all ages and for any special occasion. The middle class in Greece is the main target market Yankee Candle Company is promoting the scented U.S candle product. In 2005 the labor force in Greece was at 4.72 million compared to unemployment rate of 10.8% figures from These figures give Yankee Candle Company the green light to proceed with international distribution into the Greece market. Pricing the candles will be 30% above the sale price of a U.S product. This will ensure the costs of having a U.S product of seas. Yankee Candle’s has successfully developed and market new products and earn enormous returns. We have success springs for the fact that it has a vertically integrated business model, with the in-house expertise required to design, develop, manufacture, distribute and sell our candle products. Our vertically integrated business model acts as a powerful platform to support our product innovation initiatives. This business model included strong research and development activities, an experienced employee team, and a basis skill in test marketing our products. We collected these resources to research consumer interests and home decor buying trends, and then to create original candle designs, fragrances, accessories, gift sets, home fragrance merchandise, and personal care items that align with our findings. We then release this merchandise into our distribution channels in a way that permits us to seek and track consumer feedback. This process positions us to fine-tune our new products from performance, to packaging, to labeling, to pricing helping to maximize the potential for each item we develop to have a successful launch and widespread acceptance. Together, these efforts helped to drive sales, attract new customers and extend the appeal of the Yankee Candle brand. Once exporting was chosen as the mode of entry, Yankee Candle secured assistance from a company called, Export Trade of America; to learn about insurance, tariff, and tax laws involved in trading with Greece. Yankee Candle Company will face various legal challenges when exporting its candles into Greece, but the process will go much easier with the help of an export management company. Yankee will need to comply with employee laws and have knowledge about hiring, firing, and discipline regulations in Greece. They will need to be acquainted with their legal system and how those laws are enforced. Greece is a parliamentary republic with a president, who is heads the executive administration, a prime minister, who is head of the government, and a 300 seat legislature. The judicial includes a Supreme Court, regional districts, and prefectures to decide civil and criminal cases. There is a national police force as well as policing agencies from the European Union. As a member of the European Union, the EU laws supersede those of the individual member nations. Yankee Candle Company will need to be aware of the EU laws, enforcement, penalties, and necessary trade practices. The European Union could cause legal complications as the union adds new members, arbitrates disagreements among its memberships, and as competition increases in the global marketplace. There has been a longstanding relationship between Greece and the United States of America. The two countries have diplomatic, intelligence, and law enforcement ties. Greece and the United States, recently signed treaties â€Å"covering extradition and mutual legal assistance, which further strengthened this cooperation.†(2006) Trade between these two nations should proceed with success barring increased terrorism, war, or a terrific natural disaster that impacts the global economy. It is important for any company to evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. As Yankee Candle employees examines their organization they listed the following as company strengths; strong business model, long-lasting candles, well-branded product, variety of fragrances, adaptability of product to various cultures and dà ©cor, strong financial backing, increasing profitability, expanding marketplace, efficient manufacturing and distribution process, and an innovative product development. Yankee Candle Company’s weaknesses include; rising cost for manufacturing and distributions, technological skills, single manufacturing center, adapting products to various cultures and customs, and material shortages. There are several opportunities that must be pursued to maintain profitability; increase presence in the global marketplace, expanded online shopping options, adapt fragrance choices to new markets, build foreign manufacturing and distribution center, and add accessories to their product line. There are many threats to the existence of Yankee Candle Company including; competition’s pricing and product differentiation, terrorism, natural disasters, exchange rate, rising costs for manufacturing and distribution, and the products life-cycle. The external environment strengths include; reduction in trade barriers, strong European Union, technological advancements, and utilization of websites. The external weaknesses are; trade blocs, closed economic and political policies that prevent or limit imports/exports, and the affects of terrorism. External opportunities include; improving the economic levels of third world countries, utilizing the skills, resources, and expertise of various countries to lower costs and create an integrated economy, develop innovative products, and create a global network. Finally, the external threats include; terrorism, political instability, natural disasters, increased global competition, trade blocs that become fortresses against those outside their union, countries imposing regulations against outsiders who want to merger or acquire other foreign companies, conflict among existing trade bloc members, and inflation/deflation of the monitory systems. Reference: (2006, 4,12). The Yankee Candle Company, Inc. 2006 First Quarter Earnings Webcast. Retrieved 4/23/06, from SBC Yahoo Finance Web site: http://biz,, retreived April 24, 2006. 5/13/06 from the World FactbookUnknown, Retrieve on April 23, 2006 from, Retrieve on April 23, 2006 from
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Monster And The Police - 1512 Words
Lord Acton once said; â€Å"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely†. These great words represent a truth about humans when they obtain power, even those who are bound or enforce the law. Mark Neocleous explores this within his article titled The Monster And The Police, Dexter To Hobbes, published on May/June 2014 within the Journal: Radical Philosophy 185. Within this journal article; Neocleous discussed the problem of police brutality and the attitude that police have about themselves regarding the authority they possess that they may place before the law, and the need for such behaviour to be revoked. He introduces two ideas by Thomas Hobbes; the Behemoth and the Leviathan, and the role each plays as monsters within the system of society that undermines the problem of power. Police brutality is the topic that is primarily discussed within Neocleous’s journal article, where he pulls ideas from the writings of Thomas Hobbes regarding the Leviathan and the Behemoth in order to better interpret the system that allows police brutality to exist. The Behemoth is juxtaposed with disorder and is depicted as â€Å"the disorderly anarchy of revolution and the lawlessness of rebellion†(Neocleous, 2014, p. 13), this monster is related to criminals and the public that could possibly cause disorder for the ruling class. The Behemoth is the revolutionary people that possess the possibility of creating disorder, and this monster exists as an opposing force to the LeviathanShow MoreRelatedRacism, By Stephen B. Morton1531 Words  | 7 Pagesrace issues in America today and shows how far we have come by supporting one another no matter the color at times of need. It also represents how racism among other things is still a prominent issue in modern day Ame rica. 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